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F E M M E  V I B E

Amerika B.

F E M M E: Miss/Ms./Mrs.; lady, madam, gentlewoman, girl, grandmother, mother, daughter, sister. At some point in our lives we are all one (or more than one) of the above. We were placed on this Earth to be nurturers. To cater and care for others. We care for our families, loved ones, partners, and friends. But do we do the same for ourselves? Being a woman gives us instinctual feminine value. Natural self-worth. But many of us fail to realize it. I was one of “us”. It took me a looooong time to realize my value and self-worth. Not because it wasn’t instilled in me; but I constantly questioned who I was and compared myself to others. I doubted myself. A lot. I didn’t think I was worth much simply because I wondered what people would think of me. After 32 years of life on this Earth I still struggle with this at times, but frankly I don't give a damn anymore. Now this doesn’t mean that I just go around being reckless. It means that I carry myself in a manner of self-respect to honor who I truly am.

I remember a time when I thought that my body and “assets” would give confirmation of who I was. Eventually, I learned that this gets you nowhere. At least nowhere you are trying to go when you’re trying to get ahead in life. (SN: This was B.K.K.= Before Kim Kardashian) I learned that being femme or feminine doesn’t mean you have to dress sensual and show skin and other body parts to be noticed. You don’t have to speak loudly for attention. (We see you boo!) Now, I make my presence known with confidence, style, and grace. When I did this photo shoot, it was my last look of the day. I felt most confident in this look. Like I was showing the world who I am. That I know my self-worth and I’m going places. That I am in control of my life! Self-validation is so satisfying. It truly feels good to know that I went from questioning everything I did based on someone else's perspective, to encouraging myself to not worry about what the next person thinks because their opinion doesn't matter.

I encourage you to own and value your self-worth. When you value yourself, you demand others to do the same. You are the only one who can set the bar high. If you don’t who will? So look in the mirror, affirm it, and go forth and let your light shine! We need more positive FEMME VIBES in this world!✨

Necklace: Target

Duster: Goodwill

Tee: H&M

Shoes: Marshalls via Report Shoes

Photos by Camille Shaw

Makeup by Erika White

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